Vendor Central
Data Availability & Refresh Schedule
Historical Availability
Historical availability of data refers to the pulling in of past data from Amazon in Intentwise Analytics. This refers to your data for the time period before you added a particular account as a data source under My Connections.
Report Type | Historical Availability |
Vendor Sales Report | 13 months |
Vendor Traffic Report | 13 months |
All Other Reports | 1 day |
For historical data going further back, please write to us at [email protected]
Data Refresh Schedule
Data for all vendor central tables is updated daily between 7:30 AM PST to 10:30 AM PST daily.
Intentwise Analytics pulls in multiple days of data daily to account for variations in past data due to various factors like Amazon’s click attribution logic, cancellations/returns, adjustments by Amazon, etc.
The following table highlights the refresh window for each data source—the number of days for which we pull in data from Amazon in every data load cycle.
Report Type | Refresh Window |
Forecast | 7 days |
All Other Reports | 1 day |
Retail Analytics Inventory Report
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_inventory_report
Vendor Central Console Report : Retail Analytics Inventory
Note: This table contains data from various distributor perspectives, and you can apply a filter to the distributor_view column based on your specific requirements
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | String | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
selling_program | String | Selling Program of the Report Type |
distributor_view | String | Distributor view of the report (MANUFACTURER / SOURCING) |
start_date | Date | Report Start Date |
end_date | Date | Report End Date |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
open_purchase_order_units_byasin | Integer | Number of units contained in Amazon’s confirmed purchase orders that are not yet received by Amazon. |
average_vendor_lead_time_days_byasin | Numeric | Average Vendor Lead Time Days |
sell_through_rate_byasin | Numeric | Calculated as the number of units shipped divided by number of units at Amazon at the start of the period, plus any units received during the same time period. |
unfilled_customer_ordered_units_byasin | Integer | Unfilled Customer Order Units |
netreceived_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | NetReceived Inventory Price |
netreceived_inventory_cost_byasin_currency_code | String | NetReceived Inventory Currency Code |
netreceived_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | NetReceived Inventory Units |
sellable_onhand_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | The amount of inventory in Amazon fulfillment center that is in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
sellable_onhand_inventory_cost_byasin_currency_code | String | Currency Code |
sellable_onhand_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | Number of units in Amazon fulfillment center that is in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | The amount of inventory in Amazon fulfillment center that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_cost_byasin_currency_code | String | Currency Code |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | Number of units in Amazon fulfillment center that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_cost_byasin | Integer | The amount of inventory that is at least 90 days old and in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_cost_byasin_currency_code | String | Currency Code |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | The amount of inventory that is at least 90 days old and in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unhealthy_inventory_cost_byasin | Integer | The amount for the last 30 days including the last day for the selected time period. |
unhealthy_inventory_cost_byasin_currency_code | String | Currency Code |
unhealthy_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | ast 30 days including the last day for the selected time period. |
Retail Analytics Monthly Inventory Report
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_monthlyinventory_report
Vendor Central Console Report : Retail Analytics Inventory
Frequency : Monthly
Note: This table contains data from various distributor perspectives, and you can apply a filter to the distributor_view column based on your specific requirements
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
report_period | String | Monthly |
selling_program | String | Selling Program of the Report Type |
distributor_view | String | Distributor view of the report (MANUFACTURER / SOURCING) |
start_date | Date | Report Start Date |
end_date | Date | Report End Date |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
procurable_product_out_of_stock_rate | Numeric | The out of stock rate on all products that are procurable. This is calculated by out of stock glance views on a procurable ASIN divided by the total glance views |
open_purchase_order_units | Integer | Number of units contained in Amazon’s confirmed purchase orders that are not yet received by Amazon. This number can be negative if the vendor has shipped more units than Amazon has requested. |
receive_fill_rate | Numeric | The purchase order units received by Amazon in comparison to the purchase order units confirmed by the vendor. This is calculated as the received quantity divided by the confirmed quantity. |
average_vendor_lead_time_days | Numeric | Average number of days between the submission of each purchase order unit and the time of receipt in Amazon's fulfillment centers |
sell_through_rate | Numeric | The number of units shipped (less customer returns), divided by the sum of the number of units held by Amazon at the beginning of this time window and the number of units received during this time window. This number could be negative if more units were returned than were shipped. This number can be greater than 1 if some inventory was sold while in transit between fulfillment centers. |
unfilled_customer_ordered_units | Integer | The number of units that have been ordered (or pre-ordered) but have not yet shipped. |
vendor_confirmation_rate | Numeric | The number of units that were confirmed by the vendor, divided by the number of units Amazon asked for. This rate will be 1 if all units that were requested during this time window were confirmed. This rate can be larger than 1 if the vendor has confirmed a greater quantity of units than Amazon requested. |
netreceived_inventory_cost | Numeric | Cost of the inventory that Amazon received from the vendor, minus the cost of the inventory that was returned to the vendor. The cost returned to the vendor takes into account any products that were returned due to damaged merchandise. This number can be negative if more cost was returned than received. |
netreceived_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
netreceived_inventory_units | Integer | Units received from the vendor minus any units that were returned to the vendor. This number can be negative if more units were returned than received. |
sellable_onhand_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as a negative cost, and can cause this value to be negative overall. |
sellable_onhand_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
sellable_onhand_inventory_units | Integer | The number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as negative units, and can cause this value to be negative overall. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_units | Integer | The number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that are in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time window |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is at least 90 days old, and is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as negative cost, and can cause this value to be negative overall. Inventory age is computed based on when the inventory was received by Amazon. |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_units | Integer | The number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that is at least 90 days old, and is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as negative units, and can cause this value to be negative overall. Inventory age is computed based on when the inventory was received by Amazon. |
unhealthy_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the excess inventory on the last day of the selected time window based on forecasted demand. Note that the forecasted demand may have already included some amount of excess inventory that makes economic sense to hold. This is the amount of inventory beyond the forecasted demand. |
unhealthy_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
unhealthy_inventory_units | Integer | The number of excess inventory units on the last day of the selected time window based on forecasted demand. Note that the forecasted demand may have already included some amount of excess inventory that makes economic sense to hold. This is the amount of inventory beyond the forecasted demand. |
uft | String | The percentage of time an ASIN is available to be shipped to the customer from a fulfillment center, versus the selection Amazon intended to carry. |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
Retail Analytics Vendor Traffic
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_traffic_report
Note: This report is 4 day behind the current date
Vendor Central Console Report : Retail Analytics Traffic
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
report_period | String | Reporting period for the report - Day |
report_date | Date | Report Date |
traffic_aggregate_glanceview | Integer | Traffic aggregate glance views |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
glance_view_byasin | Integer | The number of times customers visited your product detail pages |
Retail Analytics Vendor Forecasting
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_forecast_report
Frequency: Weekly (Friday)
Vendor Central Console Report : Retail Forecasting
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
selling_program | String | Selling Program name: AMAZON_RETAIL AMAZON_BUSINESS AMAZON_FRESH AMAZON_PRIME_NOW |
forecast_generation_date | Date | Date when Forecast was generated |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
start_date | Date | Forecasted week start date |
end_date | Date | Forecasted week end date |
mean_forecast_units | Integer | Amazon’s best estimate of weekly customer demand [1 - 26] weeks in the future. This estimate does not account for safety stock |
p70_forecast_units | Integer | Amazon estimates that there is a 70% probability that weekly customer demand [1 - 26] weeks in the future will be at or below this value. |
p80_forecast_units | Integer | Amazon estimates that there is a 80% probability that weekly customer demand [1 - 26] weeks in the future will be at or below this value. |
p90_forecast_units | Integer | Amazon estimates that there is a 90% probability that weekly customer demand [1 - 26] weeks in the future will be at or below this value. |
download_date | Date | Date of Report Download |
Retail Analytics Vendor Net PPM
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_netppm_report
Vendor Central Console Report : Retail Net PPM
Note: This report is 4 day behind the current date
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
report_date | Date | Date for which the metrics belongs |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
netpureproductmargin | Numeric | Net Pure Product Margin after cost of goods sold and various agreed services such as damage allowance are deducted. Sales discounts are not factored in. |
download_date | Date | Date of Report Download |
Retail Analytics Vendor Sales
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_sales_report
Vendor Central Console Report : Retail Sales
Note: This report is 4 day behind the current date.
This table contains data from various distributor perspectives, and you can apply a filter to the distributor_view column based on your specific requirements
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | int8 | Intentwise account id |
account_name | varchar(1020) | Intentwise account name |
currency_code | varchar(65535) | Currency code |
report_date | date | Date for which the metrics belongs |
asin | varchar(50) | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to a |
customer_returns | int4 | Number of units returned by customers. |
shipped_cogs_amount | numeric(12, 2) | Revenue based on Cost of Goods Sold. Adjustment are made for returns. |
shipped_cogs_currency_code | varchar(20) | Currency code |
shipped_revenue_amount | numeric(12, 2) | Revenue based on units shipped in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
shipped_revenue_currency_code | varchar(20) | Shipped Revenue Currency code |
shipped_units | int4 | Number of units shipped to Amazon customers. |
distributor_view | varchar(20) | Distributor view: SOURCING or MANUFACTURER |
ordered_revenue_amount | numeric(12, 2) | Ordered Product Sales in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
ordered_revenue_currency_code | varchar(20) | Currency code |
ordered_units | int4 | Number of units ordered by Amazon customers. |
download_date | date | Date of Report Download |
Vendor Central Rapid Retail Sales
Table name: vendorcentral_rapidretailsales_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
currency_code | String | Currency code |
report_start_time | Timestamp | Duration for which sales information is available |
report_end_time | Timestamp | Duration for which sales information is available |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to a product |
ordered_units | Integer | Number of units ordered by Amazon customers. |
ordered_revenue_amount | Numeric | Ordered Product Sales in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
download_date | Date | Downloaded date |
account_timezone | String | Timezone of Account |
report_start_time_account_timezone | Timestamp | Report start time converted to account specific timezone |
report_end_time_account_timezone | Report end time converted to account specific timezone |
Sales Diagnostic Shipped COGS (Deprecated)
Deprecated - Use Vendor Sales Diagnostic
Table name: vendorcentral_salesdiagnostic_shippedcogs
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | String | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
vendor_account_name | String | Vendor central account name |
vendor_id | Integer | Vendor central account id |
report_date | Date | Report date |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
currency | String | Currency code of the account |
asin_name | String | |
parent_asin | String | Products with variations (size, color, etc.) have a Parent ASIN and Child ASINs. The Parent ASIN represents the generic overall product (non-purchasable). |
ean | String | The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code |
upc | String | The Universal Product Code (UPC) used for retail packaging scanning at the point of sale |
brand | String | |
category | String | Amazon defined category |
subcategory | String | Amazon defined sub-category. This does not drive website browse category |
apparel_size | String | Size information for the product |
apparel_width | String | Width information for the product |
binding | String | Binding type |
shipped_cogs | Numeric | Revenue based on Cost of Goods Sold. Adjustment are made for returns. |
shipped_cogs_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
shipped_cogs_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
shipped_cogs_last_year | Numeric | Comparison to last year |
shipped_units | Integer | Number of units shipped to Amazon customers |
shipped_units_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
shipped_units_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
shipped_units_last_year | Numeric | Comparison to last year |
customer_returns | Integer | Number of units returned by customers |
free_replacements | Integer | Number of free replacements shipped to customers |
brand_code | String | Binding type |
glance_view | Integer | Customer views of a product detail page |
change_glance_view_prior_period | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Prior Period. The formula is ((Current Period - Prior Period)/Prior Period) x 100. |
change_glance_view_last_year | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Last Year. The formula is ((Current Year - Prior Year)/Prior Year) x 100. |
conversion_rate | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Last Year. The formula is ((Current Year - Prior Year)/Prior Year) x 100. |
distributor_view | String | |
rep_oos | Numeric | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
rep_oos_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
rep_oos_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
Sales Diagnostic Shipped Revenue (Deprecated)
Deprecated - Use Vendor Sales Diagnostic
Table name: vendorcentral_salesdiagnostic_shippedrevenue
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | String | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
vendor_account_name | String | |
locale | String | |
vendor_id | Integer | |
report_date | Date | Report date |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
currency | String | |
asin_name | String | |
parent_asin | String | Products with variations (size, color, etc.) have a Parent ASIN and Child ASINs. The Parent ASIN represents the generic overall product (non-purchasable). |
ean | String | The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code |
upc | String | The Universal Product Code (UPC) used for retail packaging scanning at the point of sale |
brand | String | |
category | String | Amazon defined category |
subcategory | String | Amazon defined sub-category. This does not drive website browse category |
apparel_size | String | Size information for the product |
apparel_width | String | Width information for the product |
binding | String | Binding type |
color | String | Color |
model | String | The model or style number of the product |
release_Date | Date | The day that an item is available for purchase by the public |
shipped_revenue | Numeric | Revenue based on units shipped in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
shipped_revenue_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
shipped_revenue_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
shipped_revenue_last_year | Numeric | Comparison to last year |
shipped_units | Integer | Number of units shipped to Amazon customers |
shipped_units_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
shipped_units_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
shipped_units_last_year | Numeric | Comparison to last year |
ordered_units | Integer | Number of units ordered by Amazon customers |
ordered_units_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
ordered_units_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
ordered_units_last_year | Numeric | Comparison to last year |
customer_returns | Integer | Number of units returned by customers |
free_replacements | Integer | Number of free replacements shipped to customers |
subcategory_sales_rank | Integer | Sales Rank in a sub category |
subcategory_better_worse | Numeric | |
average_sales_price | Numeric | Average price per shipped unit |
average_sales_price_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
change_in_gv_prior_period | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Prior Period. The formula is ((Current Period - Prior Period)/Prior Period) x 100. |
change_in_gv_last_year | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Last Year. The formula is ((Current Year - Prior Year)/Prior Year) x 100. |
rep_oos | Numeric | Replenishable Out Of Stock. Glance views the product received when it was out of stock but replenishable as a % of total product glance views. |
rep_oos_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
rep_oos_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
lbb | Numeric | Lost Buy Box due to price when the product is in stock |
author | String | Author or Artist information for the product |
glance_view | Integer | Customer views of a product detail page |
change_glance_view_prior_period | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Prior Period. The formula is ((Current Period - Prior Period)/Prior Period) x 100 |
change_glance_view_last_year | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Last Year. The formula is ((Current Year - Prior Year)/Prior Year) x 100. |
conversion_rate | Numeric | The purchase rate of customers viewing your products |
Sales Diagnostic Ordered Revenue (Deprecated)
Deprecated - Use Vendor Sales Diagnostic
Table name: vendorcentral_salesdiagnostic_orderedrevenue
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | String | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
vendor_account | String | |
vendor_id | Integer | |
report_Date | Date | Report date |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
currency | String | |
asin_name | String | |
parent_asin | String | Products with variations (size, color, etc.) have a Parent ASIN and Child ASINs. The Parent ASIN represents the generic overall product (non-purchasable). |
ean | String | The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code |
upc | String | The Universal Product Code (UPC) used for retail packaging scanning at the point of sale |
brand | String | |
category | String | Amazon defined category |
subcategory | String | The Universal Product Code (UPC) used for retail packaging scanning at the point of sale |
apparel_size | String | The Universal Product Code (UPC) used for retail packaging scanning at the point of sale |
apparel_width | String | Width information for the product |
binding | String | Binding type |
color | String | Color |
model | String | The model or style number of the product |
release_Date | Date | The day that an item is available for purchase by the public |
ordered_revenue | Numeric | Ordered Product Sales in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
ordered_revenue_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
ordered_revenue_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
ordered_revenue_last_year | Numeric | Comparison to last year |
ordered_units | Integer | Number of units ordered by Amazon customers |
ordered_units_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
ordered_units_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
ordered_units_last_year | Numeric | Comparison to last year |
customer_returns | Integer | Number of units returned by customers |
free_replacements | Integer | Number of free replacements shipped to customers |
subcategory_sales_rank | Integer | Sales Rank in a sub category |
subcategory_better_worse | Numeric | |
average_sales_price | Numeric | Average price per shipped unit |
average_sales_price_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
change_in_gv_prior_period | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Prior Period. The formula is ((Current Period - Prior Period)/Prior Period) x 100. |
change_in_gv_last_year | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Last Year. The formula is ((Current Year - Prior Year)/Prior Year) x 100. |
rep_oos | Numeric | Replenishable Out Of Stock. Glance views the product received when it was out of stock but replenishable as a % of total product glance views. |
rep_oos_percentage | Numeric | Displayed percent of total |
rep_oos_prior_period | Numeric | Comparison to preceding time frame |
lbb | Numeric | Lost Buy Box due to price when the product is in stock |
author | String | Author or Artist information for the product |
glance_view | Integer | Customer views of a product detail page |
change_glance_view_prior_period | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Prior Period. The formula is ((Current Period - Prior Period)/Prior Period) x 100. |
change_glance_view_last_year | Numeric | Percent change in Glance Views to Last Year. The formula is ((Current Year - Prior Year)/Prior Year) x 100. |
conversion_rate | Numeric | The purchase rate of customers viewing your products |
Vendor Sales Diagnostic (Deprecated)
Deprecated - Use Retail Analytics Vendor Sales
Table name: vendorcentral_salesdiagnostic_report
Note: This report is 3 day behind the current date
Vendor Central Console Report : Sales Diagnostics
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
distributor_view | String | Distributor view: SOURCING or MANUFACTURER |
currency_code | String | Currency code |
selling_program_name | String | Selling Program name: AMAZON_RETAIL AMAZON_BUSINESS AMAZON_FRESH AMAZON_PRIME_NOW |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
reporting_date | Date | Date for which the metrics belongs |
shipped_revenue_amount | Numeric | Revenue based on units shipped in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
shipped_revenue_currency_code | String | Shipped Revenue Currency code |
shipped_cogs_amount | Numeric | Revenue based on Cost of Goods Sold. Adjustment are made for returns. |
shipped_cogs_currency_code | String | Currency code |
shipped_units | Integer | Number of units shipped to Amazon customers. |
customer_returns | Integer | Number of units returned by customers. |
free_replacements | Numeric | Number of free replacements shipped to customers. |
pre_ordered_revenue_amount | Numeric | Pre ordered Revenue |
pre_ordered_revenue_currency_code | String | Currency code |
ordered_revenue_amount | Numeric | Ordered Product Sales in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
ordered_revenue_currency_code | String | Currency code |
ordered_units | Integer | Number of units ordered by Amazon customers. |
pre_ordered_units | Integer | Pre ordered units |
shipped_subcategory_sales_rank | Integer | Sales Rank in a sub category |
ordered_subcategory_sales_rank | Integer | Sales Rank in a sub category |
replenishable_out_of_stock | Numeric | Replenishable Out Of Stock. Glance views the product received when it was out of stock but replenishable as a % of total product glance views. |
lost_buy_box | Numeric | Lost Buy Box due to price when the product is in stock. |
glance_views | Integer | Customer views of a product detail page. |
conversion_rate | Numeric | The purchase rate of customers viewing your products. |
Inventory Health (Deprecated)
Deprecated - Use Inventory Report
Table name: vendorcentral_inventoryhealth
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | String | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
vendor_account | String | |
vendor_id | Integer | |
report_date | Date | Report date |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
currency | String | |
asin_name | String | |
parent_asin | String | Products with variations (size, color, etc.) have a Parent ASIN and Child ASINs. The Parent ASIN represents the generic overall product (non-purchasable). |
isbn13 | String | 13-digit International Standard Book Number |
ean | String | The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code |
upc | String | The Universal Product Code (UPC) used for retail packaging scanning at the point of sale |
released_Date | Date | The day that an item is available for purchase by the public |
net_received_units | Integer | Net amount received by Amazon after subtracting the amount returned to the supplier in the selected time frame. |
sell_through_rate | Numeric | Calculated as the number of units shipped divided by number of units at Amazon at the start of the period, plus any units received during the same time period. |
open_purchase_order_qty | Integer | Number of units contained in Amazon’s confirmed purchase orders that are not yet received by Amazon. |
sellable_on_hand_inventory | Numeric | The amount of inventory in Amazon fulfillment center that is in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
sellable_on_hand_inventory_30_day | Numeric | Average value for the trailing 30-day period including the last day of the selected time frame. |
sellable_on_hand_units | Integer | Number of units in Amazon fulfillment center that is in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unsellable_on_hand_inventory | Numeric | The amount of inventory in Amazon fulfillment center that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unsellable_on_hand_inventory_30_day | Numeric | Average value for the trailing 30-day period including the last day of the selected time frame. |
unsellable_on_hand_units | Integer | Number of units in Amazon fulfillment center that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
aged_90_day_sellable_inventory | Numeric | The amount of inventory that is at least 90 days old and in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
aged_90_day_sellable_inventory_30_day | Numeric | Average value for the trailing 30-day period including the last day of the selected time frame. |
aged_90_day_sellable_units | Integer | The amount of inventory that is at least 90 days old and in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
list_price | Numeric | |
author | String | Author information for the product |
artist | String | Artist information for the product |
product_group | String | The product group as defined by the Amazon catalog |
replenishment_category | String | |
model_number | String | The model or style number of the product |
brand | String | |
category | String | Amazon defined category |
subcategory | String | Amazon defined sub-category. This does not drive website browse category |
apparel_size | String | Size information for the product |
apparel_width | String | Width information for the product |
binding | String | Binding type |
brand_code | String | Amazon brand code for the owning brand |
net_received | Numeric | Net amount received by Amazon after subtracting the amount returned to the supplier in the selected time frame. |
Vendor Central Rapid Retail Inventory
Table name: vendorcentral_rapidretailinventory_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
currency_code | String | Currency code |
report_start_time | Timestamp | Duration for which inventory information is available |
report_end_time | Timestamp | Duration for which inventory information is available |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to a product |
highly_available_inventory | Integer | This metric represents the number of units available to be sold on the website with the fastest shipping speed (generally Prime) based on units in Amazon fulfillment centers that are in sellable condition, less units in customer shopping carts or otherwise bound for other orders (e.g. known subscribe-and-save orders) from that given vendor. In other words, when an Amazon shopper sees the product available in the Buy Box as Ships and Sold by Amazon, that quantity is reflected in this metric. Although this is different from “Sellable Units” for example (where inventory counts do not factor in known demand), early user feedback suggests that this view is more usable in a real-time context. |
download_date | Date | Downloaded date |
account_timezone | String | Timezone of Account |
report_start_time_account_timezone | Timestamp | Report start time converted to account specific timezone |
report_end_time_account_timezone | Timestamp | Report end time converted to account specific timezone |
Vendor Central Rapid Retail Traffic
Table name: vendorcentral_rapidretailtraffic_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
currency_code | String | Currency code |
report_start_time | Timestamp | Duration for which traffic information is available |
report_end_time | Timestamp | Duration for which traffic information is available |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to a product |
glance_views | Integer | Glance views reported back to Vendors based on the Amazon Retail Analytics manufacturing view |
download_date | Date | Downloaded date |
account_timezone | String | Timezone of Account |
report_start_time_account_timezone | Timestamp | Report start time converted to account specific timezone |
report_end_time_account_timezone | Timestamp | Report end time converted to account specific timezone |
Retail Analytics Vendor Sales - Amazon Fresh
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_amazonfresh_sales_report
Note: This report is 4 day behind the current date
This table contains data from various distributor perspectives, and you can apply a filter to the distributor_view column based on your specific requirements
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
currency_code | String | Currency code of the account |
report_date | Date | Report Date |
asin | String | Amazon Product Identifier |
shipped_cogs_amount | Numeric | Revenue based on Cost of Goods Sold. Adjustment are made for returns. |
shipped_cogs_currency_code | String | Currency code |
shipped_revenue_amount | Numeric | Revenue based on units shipped in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
shipped_revenue_currency_code | String | Shipped Revenue Currency code |
shipped_units | Integer | Number of units shipped to Amazon customers. |
distributor_view | String | Distributor view: SOURCING or MANUFACTURER |
ordered_revenue_amount | Numeric | Ordered Product Sales in the selected time frame. Adjustments are made for returns. |
ordered_revenue_currency_code | String | Currency code |
ordered_units | Integer | Number of units ordered by Amazon customers. |
download_date | Date | Date of Report Download |
Retail Analytics Vendor Inventory - Amazon Fresh
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_amazonfresh_inventory_report
Note: This report is 4 day behind the current date
This table contains data from various distributor perspectives, and you can apply a filter to the distributor_view column based on your specific requirementsFor details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
selling_program | String | FRESH |
distributor_view | String | Distributor view of the report (MANUFACTURER / SOURCING) |
start_date | Date | Report Start Date |
end_date | Date | Report End Date |
procurable_product_out_of_stock_rate_byasin | Numeric | Procurable Product out of Stock Rate |
open_purchase_order_units_byasin | Integer | Number of units contained in Amazon’s confirmed purchase orders that are not yet received by Amazon. |
receive_fill_rate_byasin | Numeric | Receive Fill Rate |
average_vendor_lead_time_days_byasin | Numeric | Average Vendor Lead Time Days |
sell_through_rate_byasin | Numeric | Calculated as the number of units shipped divided by number of units at Amazon at the start of the period, plus any units received during the same time period. |
unfilled_customer_ordered_units_byasin | Integer | Unfilled Customer Order Units |
vendor_confirmation_rate_byasin | Numeric | Vendor Confirmation Rate |
netreceived_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | NetReceived Inventory Price |
netreceived_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | NetReceived Inventory Units |
sellable_onhand_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | The amount of inventory in Amazon fulfillment center that is in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
sellable_onhand_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | Number of units in Amazon fulfillment center that is in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | The amount of inventory in Amazon fulfillment center that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | Number of units in Amazon fulfillment center that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | The amount of inventory that is at least 90 days old and in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | The amount of inventory that is at least 90 days old and in sellable condition on the last day of the selected time frame. |
unhealthy_inventory_cost_byasin | Numeric | The amount for the last 30 days including the last day for the selected time period. |
unhealthy_inventory_units_byasin | Integer | ast 30 days including the last day for the selected time period. |
uft_byasin | String | |
download_date | Date | Report Download Date |
Retail Analytics Monthly Inventory Report - Amazon Fresh
Table name: vendorcentral_retailanalytics_amazonfresh_monthlyinventory_report
Vendor Central Console Report : Retail Analytics Inventory
Frequency : Monthly
Note: This table contains data from various distributor perspectives, and you can apply a filter to the distributor_view column based on your specific requirements
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
report_period | String | Monthly |
selling_program | String | Selling Program of the Report Type |
distributor_view | String | Distributor view of the report (MANUFACTURER / SOURCING) |
start_date | Date | Report Start Date |
end_date | Date | Report End Date |
asin | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number. The unique identifier given to all products sold on Amazon. |
procurable_product_out_of_stock_rate | Numeric | The out of stock rate on all products that are procurable. This is calculated by out of stock glance views on a procurable ASIN divided by the total glance views |
open_purchase_order_units | Integer | Number of units contained in Amazon’s confirmed purchase orders that are not yet received by Amazon. This number can be negative if the vendor has shipped more units than Amazon has requested. |
receive_fill_rate | Numeric | The purchase order units received by Amazon in comparison to the purchase order units confirmed by the vendor. This is calculated as the received quantity divided by the confirmed quantity. |
average_vendor_lead_time_days | Numeric | Average number of days between the submission of each purchase order unit and the time of receipt in Amazon's fulfillment centers |
sell_through_rate | Numeric | The number of units shipped (less customer returns), divided by the sum of the number of units held by Amazon at the beginning of this time window and the number of units received during this time window. This number could be negative if more units were returned than were shipped. This number can be greater than 1 if some inventory was sold while in transit between fulfillment centers. |
unfilled_customer_ordered_units | Integer | The number of units that have been ordered (or pre-ordered) but have not yet shipped. |
vendor_confirmation_rate | Numeric | The number of units that were confirmed by the vendor, divided by the number of units Amazon asked for. This rate will be 1 if all units that were requested during this time window were confirmed. This rate can be larger than 1 if the vendor has confirmed a greater quantity of units than Amazon requested. |
netreceived_inventory_cost | Numeric | Cost of the inventory that Amazon received from the vendor, minus the cost of the inventory that was returned to the vendor. The cost returned to the vendor takes into account any products that were returned due to damaged merchandise. This number can be negative if more cost was returned than received. |
netreceived_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
netreceived_inventory_units | Integer | Units received from the vendor minus any units that were returned to the vendor. This number can be negative if more units were returned than received. |
sellable_onhand_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as a negative cost, and can cause this value to be negative overall. |
sellable_onhand_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
sellable_onhand_inventory_units | Integer | The number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as negative units, and can cause this value to be negative overall. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
unsellable_onhand_inventory_units | Integer | The number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that are in unsellable condition on the last day of the selected time window |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers that is at least 90 days old, and is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as negative cost, and can cause this value to be negative overall. Inventory age is computed based on when the inventory was received by Amazon. |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
aged_90plusdays_sellable_inventory_units | Integer | The number of units in Amazon fulfillment centers that is at least 90 days old, and is in a sellable condition on the last day of the selected time window. Backorders count as negative units, and can cause this value to be negative overall. Inventory age is computed based on when the inventory was received by Amazon. |
unhealthy_inventory_cost | Numeric | The cost of the excess inventory on the last day of the selected time window based on forecasted demand. Note that the forecasted demand may have already included some amount of excess inventory that makes economic sense to hold. This is the amount of inventory beyond the forecasted demand. |
unhealthy_inventory_cost_currency_code | String | |
unhealthy_inventory_units | Integer | The number of excess inventory units on the last day of the selected time window based on forecasted demand. Note that the forecasted demand may have already included some amount of excess inventory that makes economic sense to hold. This is the amount of inventory beyond the forecasted demand. |
uft | String | The percentage of time an ASIN is available to be shipped to the customer from a fulfillment center, versus the selection Amazon intended to carry. |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
Vendor Purchase Order Report
Table name: vendorcentral_purchaseorder_report
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
purchase_order_number | String | The purchase order number for this order. Formatting Notes: 8-character alpha-numeric code. |
purchase_order_state | String | This field will contain the current state of the purchase order. |
purchase_order_date | Timestamp | The date the purchase order was placed. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format. |
purchase_order_changed_date | Timestamp | The date when purchase order was last changed by Amazon after the order was placed. This date will be greater than 'purchaseOrderDate'. This means the PO data was changed on that date and vendors are required to fulfill the updated PO. The PO changes can be related to Item Quantity, Ship to Location, Ship Window etc. This field will not be present in orders that have not changed after creation. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format. |
purchase_order_state_changed_date | Timestamp | The date when current purchase order state was changed. Current purchase order state is available in the field 'purchaseOrderState'. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format. |
purchase_order_type | String | Type of purchase order. |
import_details_method_of_payment | String | If the recipient requests, contains the shipment method of payment. This is for import PO's only. |
import_details_international_commercial_terms | String | Incoterms (International Commercial Terms) are used to divide transaction costs and responsibilities between buyer and seller and reflect state-of-the-art transportation practices. This is for import purchase orders only. |
import_details_port_of_delivery | String | The port where goods on an import purchase order must be delivered by the vendor. This should only be specified when the internationalCommercialTerms is FOB. |
import_details_import_containers | String | Types and numbers of container(s) for import purchase orders. Can be a comma-separated list if the shipment has multiple containers. HC signifies a high-capacity container. Free-text field, limited to 64 characters. The format will be a comma-delimited list containing values of the type: $NUMBER_OF_CONTAINERS_OF_THIS_TYPE-$CONTAINER_TYPE. The list of values for the container type is: 40'(40-foot container), 40'HC (40-foot high-capacity container), 45', 45'HC, 30', 30'HC, 20', 20'HC. |
import_details_shipping_instructions | String | Special instructions regarding the shipment. This field is for import purchase orders. |
deal_code | String | If requested by the recipient, this field will contain a promotional/deal number. The discount code line is optional. It is used to obtain a price discount on items on the order. |
payment_method | String | Payment method used. |
buying_party_id | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details. |
buying_party_tax_registration_type | String | Tax registration type for the entity. |
buying_party_tax_registration_number | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. |
selling_party_id | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details. |
selling_party_tax_registration_type | String | Tax registration type for the entity. |
selling_party_tax_registration_number | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. |
ship_to_party_id | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details. |
ship_to_party_tax_registration_type | String | Tax registration type for the entity. |
ship_to_party_tax_registration_number | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. |
bill_to_party_id | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details. |
bill_to_party_tax_registration_type | String | Tax registration type for the entity. |
bill_to_party_tax_registration_number | String | Tax registration number for the entity. For example, VAT ID. |
ship_window | String | This indicates the ship window. Format is start and end date separated by double hyphen (--). For example, 2007-03-01T13:00:00Z--2007-03-11T15:30:00Z. |
delivery_window | String | This indicates the delivery window. Format is start and end date separated by double hyphen (--). For example, 2007-03-01T13:00:00Z--2007-03-11T15:30:00Z. |
item_sequence_number | Integer | Numbering of the item on the purchase order. The first item will be 1, the second 2, and so on. |
amazon_product_identifier | String | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of an item. |
vendor_product_identifier | String | The vendor selected product identification of the item. |
ordered_quantity_amount | Integer | Acknowledged quantity. This value should not be zero. |
ordered_quantity_unit_of_measure | String | Unit of measure for the acknowledged quantity. |
ordered_quantity_unit_size | Integer | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases. |
is_back_order_allowed | bool | When true, we will accept backorder confirmations for this item. |
net_cost_currency_code | String | |
net_cost_amount | Numeric | The price to Amazon each (cost). |
list_price_currency_code | String | |
list_price_amount | Numeric | The price to Amazon each (list). |
download_date | Date | Download date |
last_updated_date | Timestamp | |
acknowledgement_confirmation_status | String | Confirmation status of line item. |
accepted_quantity_amount | Integer | Item quantities accepted by vendor to be shipped. |
accepted_quantity_unit_of_measure | String | Unit of measure for the accepted quantity. |
accepted_quantity_unit_size | Integer | The case size, in the event that we accepted using cases. |
rejected_quantity_amount | Integer | Item quantities rejected by vendor. |
rejected_quantity_unit_of_measure | String | Unit of measure for the rejected quantity. |
rejected_quantity_unit_size | Integer | The case size, in the event that we rejected using cases. |
receive_status | String | Receive status of the line item. |
last_receive_date | Timestamp | The date when the most recent item was received at the buyer's warehouse. Must be in ISO-8601 date/time format. |
received_quantity_amount | Integer | Received quantity. This value should not be zero. |
received_quantity_unit_of_measure | String | Unit of measure for the received quantity. |
received_quantity_unit_size | Integer | The case size, in the event that we received using cases. |
Vendor Purchase Order Address
Table name: vendorcentral_purchaseorder_address
Note: This table should be used along with vendorcentral_purchaseorder_report use id column for join
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
party_id | String | Assigned identification for the party. For example, warehouse code or vendor code. Please refer to specific party for more details. |
address_type | String | Address type buying,selling,shipto,billto party address |
address_name | String | The name of the person, business or institution at that address. |
address_line_1 | String | First line of the address. |
address_line_2 | String | Additional address information, if required. |
address_line_3 | String | Additional address information, if required. |
city | String | The city where the person, business or institution is located. |
county | String | The county where person, business or institution is located. |
district | String | The district where person, business or institution is located. |
state_or_region | String | The state or region where person, business or institution is located. |
postal_code | String | The postal code of that address. It contains a series of letters or digits or both, sometimes including spaces or punctuation. |
country_code | String | The two digit country code. In ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. |
phone | String | The phone number of the person, business or institution located at that address. |
id | Integer | Vendor Purchase order unique id for Join Foreign Key |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
Vendor Purchase Order Address
Table name: vendorcentral_purchaseorder_itemquantity
This table provides information about purchase order quantity details
Note: This table should be used along with vendorcentral_purchaseorder_report use id column for join
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
updated_date | Timestamp | The date when the line item quantity was updated by buyer. |
amount | Integer | Amount |
unit_of_measure | String | Unit of measure |
unit_size | Integer | The case size, in the event that we ordered using cases. |
quantity_type | String | Quanity Types: CANCELLED REJECTED ORDERED |
id | Integer | Vendor Purchase order unique id for Join Foreign Key |
download_date | Date | Download date |
Vendor Coupon Performance Report
Table name: vendorcentral_couponperformance_report
Frequency of Download: Daily
Note: Data for the current year is retrieved daily based on the start and end dates of Campaigns. Its recommended to use latest report_date information
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
country_code | String | Country Code |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
couponperformance_report_id | Integer | Unique identifer for the report |
campaign_start_date_from | timestamptz | Start date of Campaign |
campaign_start_date_to | timestamptz | End date of Campaign |
report_date | Date | Report Date |
download_date | Date | Downloaded date |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
Vendor Coupon Performance Report Coupon
Table name: vendorcentral_couponperformance_coupon
Note: Use this table along with vendorcentral_couponperformance_campaign
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
country_code | String | Country Code |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
couponperformance_campaign_id | Integer | Foreign Key use to join with vendorcentral_couponperformance_campaign |
coupon_id | String | Coupon Identifier |
name | String | Name of Coupon |
website_message | String | |
start_date_time | Timestamp | Coupon Start Date |
end_date_time | Timestamp | Coupon End Date |
is_once_per_customer | String | How many coupons can be used |
clips | Integer | |
redemptions | Integer | Number of redemptions |
budget | Numeric | Budget |
total_discount | Numeric | Discount amount |
budget_spent | Numeric | Budget Spent |
budget_percentage_used | Numeric | Budget percentage used |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
couponperformance_coupon_id | Integer | Unique Identifier |
Vendor Coupon Performance Report Campaign
Table name: vendorcentral_couponperformance_campaign
Note: Use this table along with vendorcentral_couponperformance_report
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
country_code | String | Country Code |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
couponperformance_report_id | Integer | Foreign Key use to join with vendorcentral_couponperformance_report |
campaign_id | String | Campaign Identifer |
campaign_name | String | Name of Campaign |
vendor_code | String | Vendor Code |
market_place_id | String | Marketplace Id |
creation_date_time | Timestamp | Campaign Creation time |
last_updated_time | Timestamp | |
is_subscribe_and_save | String | Subscribe and Save - True/False |
budget_type | String | |
total_clips | Integer | Total number of times a coupon in the campaign has been applied on the product page, equal to the sum of all coupon clips |
total_redemptions | Integer | Total number of times a coupon in the campaign has been used for a purchase, equal to the sum of all coupon redemptions. |
total_budget | Numeric | Budget |
total_budget_spent | Numeric | Budget Spent |
total_budget_remaining | Numeric | |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
couponperformance_campaign_id | Integer | Unique Identifier |
Vendor Coupon Performance Report Asin
Table name: vendorcentral_couponperformance_asin
Note: Use this table along with vendorcentral_couponperformance_coupon
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
country_code | String | Country Code |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
couponperformance_coupon_id | Integer | Foreign Key use to join with vendorcentral_couponperformance_coupon |
asin | String | Discount details of the products associated with the coupon. |
discount_type | String | Whether the discount is given as a fixed amount or a percentage off the list price. |
discount_amount | Numeric | Discount amount the customer receives on the product. Reflects a percentage when discountType is PERCENT_OFF_LIST_PRICE and a currency value when discountType is AMOUNT_OFF_LIST_PRICE. |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
Last updated