Sponsored Brands
Table name: ad_sponsoredbrand_campaign
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
campaignid | Integer | The identifier of the campaign |
name | String | The name of the campaign |
budget | Numeric | Budget set for the campaign |
startdate | Date | The starting date of the campaign. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD |
enddate | Date | The ending date of the campaign to stop running. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD |
state | String | The current Campaign state |
portfolioid | Integer | The identifier of an existing portfolio to which the campaign is associated |
Sponsored Brand Campaign Report
Table name: ad_sponsoredbrand_campaign_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | date | Report date |
campaignid | integer | Campaign id |
campaignname | string | Campaign name |
campaignstatus | string | Campaign status |
campaignbudget | numeric | Campaign budget |
impressions | integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedordersnewtobrand14d | integer | The number of first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window. Not available for search term report |
attributedordersnewtobrandpercentage14d | numeric | The percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases. Not available for search term report |
attributedorderratenewtobrand14d | numeric | The number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks. New-to-brand order rate = new-to-brand orders / clicks. Not available for search term report |
attributedsalesnewtobrandpercentage14d | numeric | The percentage of total sales of new-to-brand purchases. Not available for search term report |
attributedunitsorderednewtobrand14d | integer | The number of units from first-time orders for products within the brand over a one-year lookback window. Not available for search term report |
attributedunitsorderednewtobrandpercentage14d | numeric | The percentage of total units that are units from new-to-brand orders. Not available for search term report |
attributedsalesnewtobrand14d | numeric | The total sales of new-to-brand orders. Not available for search term report |
viewableimpressions | integer | Views is the number of impressions that met the MRC viewability standard (50% viewable with 2 seconds playback completed) |
videofirstquartileviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25% |
videomidpointviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50% |
videothirdquartileviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75% |
videocompleteviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100% |
video5secondviews | integer | The number of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter) |
video5secondviewrate | numeric | The percentage of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter) |
videounmutes | integer | The number of impressions where a shopper unmuted the video |
vtr | numeric | View-through-rate (views/impressions) |
vctr | numeric | Clicks-through-rate for views (clicks/views) |
unitssold14d | integer | Number of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad. Not available for search term report. Vendor only field |
dpv14d | integer | Number of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad. Not available for search term report. Vendor only field |
Sponsored Brand Keyword
Table name: ad_sponsoredbrand_keyword
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
keywordid | integer | Keyword id |
adgroupid | integer | Adgroup id |
campaignid | integer | Campaign id |
state | string | Keyword status |
keywordtext | string | The text of the expression to match against a search query |
matchtype | string | The type of match. ex: exact, phrase and broad |
bid | numeric |
Sponsored Brand Keyword Report
Table name: ad_sponsoredbrand_keyword_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | Date | Report date |
keywordid | Integer | The identifier of the advertised keyword text |
adgroupid | Integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
impressions | Integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | Integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | Numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | Numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | Numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on a |
attributedunitsordered14d | Integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
viewableimpressions | Integer | Views is the number of impressions that met the MRC viewability standard (50% viewable with 2 seconds playback completed) |
videofirstquartileviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25% |
videomidpointviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50% |
videothirdquartileviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75% |
videocompleteviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100% |
video5secondviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter) |
video5secondviewrate | Numeric | The percentage of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter) |
videounmutes | Integer | The number of impressions where a shopper unmuted the video |
vtr | Numeric | View-through-rate (views/impressions) |
vctr | Numeric | Clicks-through-rate for views (clicks/views) |
unitssold14d | Integer | Number of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad. Not available for search term report. Vendor only field |
dpv14d | Integer | Number of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad. Not available for search term report. Vendor only field |
topofsearchimpressionshare | Numeric | The percentage of top-of-search impressions earned out of all the top-of-search impressions that were eligible for a given date range. Various factors determine the eligibility for an impression including campaign status and targeting status |
Sponsored Brand Negative Keyword
Table name: ad_sponsoredbrand_negativekeyword
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
keywordid | integer | Keyword id |
campaignid | integer | Campaign id |
adgroupid | integer | Adgroup id |
state | string | Negative keyword status |
keywordtext | string | The text of the expression to match against a search query |
matchtype | string | The type of match. ex: negativeExact, negativePhrase |
creationdate | timestamptz(0) | Negative keyword created date |
lastupdateddate | timestamptz(0) | Negative keyword last updated date |
servingstatus | string |
Product Target
Table name: ad_sponsoredbrand_target
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
targetid | integer | Target id |
adgroupid | integer | Adgroup id |
campaignid | integer | Campaign id |
expressiontype | string | |
state | string | Product target state |
bid | numeric | |
creationdate | timestamptz(0) | Product target created date |
lastupdateddate | timestamptz(0) | Product target last updated date |
autoexpressionvalue | string | |
asinpricelessthan | numeric | Target a price that is less than the price expressed |
asinpricegreaterthan | numeric | Target a price that is greater than the price expressed |
asinreviewratinglessthan | numeric | Target a review rating less than the review rating that is expressed |
asinreviewratinggreaterthan | numeric | Target a review rating that is greater than the review rating expressed |
asincategorysameas | string | Negatively Target the same category as the category expressed |
asinbrandsameas | string | Target the brand that is the same as the brand expressed |
asinpricebetween | string | Target a price that is between the prices expressed |
asinreviewratingbetween | string | Target a price that is between the prices expressed |
asinsameas | string | Target an ASIN that is the same as the ASIN expressed |
Sponsored Brand Target Report
Table name: ad_sponsoredbrand_target_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | date | Report date |
report_date | date | |
targetid | integer | Target id |
impressions | integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
is_video | boolean | |
viewableimpressions | integer | Views is the number of impressions that met the MRC viewability standard (50% viewable with 2 seconds playback completed) |
videofirstquartileviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25% |
videomidpointviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50% |
videothirdquartileviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75% |
videocompleteviews | integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100% |
video5secondviews | integer | The number of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter) |
video5secondviewrate | numeric | The percentage of impressions where the shopper watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter) |
videounmutes | integer | The number of impressions where a shopper unmuted the video |
vtr | numeric | View-through-rate (views/impressions) |
vctr | numeric | Clicks-through-rate for views (clicks/views) |
unitssold14d | integer | Number of attributed units sold occurring within 14 days of click on an ad. Not available for search term report. Vendor only field |
dpv14d | integer | Number of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad. Not available for search term report. Vendor only field |
Sponsored Brand Keyword Search Term Report
Table Name: ad_sponsoredbrand_keywordsearchterm_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | varchar(1020) | Intentwise account name |
keywordid | int8 | The identifier of the advertised keyword text |
keywordtext | varchar(256) | The text of the expression to match against a search query |
matchtype | varchar(256) | The type of match. ex: exact, phrase and broad |
campaignid | int8 | The identifier of the campaign |
adgroupid | int8 | The identifier of the adgroup |
reportdate | date | Report date |
query | varchar(500) | Query |
impressions | int8 | Total ad impressions |
clicks | int4 | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric(12, 2) | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric(12, 2) | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric(12, 2) | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | int4 | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | int4 | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | int4 | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
searchtermimpressionrank | int4 | The numeric rank of your account-wide impression |
searchtermimpressionshare | numeric(12, 2) | Account-wide share (in %) of the total impressions across all advertisers |
impressionswithshare | int8 | Improssion with share |
totalimpressions | int8 | Total Impression |
Sponsored Brand Product Target Search Term Report
Table Name: ad_sponsoredbrand_producttargetsearchterm_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | int8 | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | int8 | Intentwise account id |
account_name | varchar(1020) | Intentwise account name |
targetid | int8 | Target id |
campaignid | int8 | The identifier of the campaign |
adgroupid | int8 | The identifier of the adgroup |
reportdate | date | Report date |
query | varchar(500) | Query |
impressions | int8 | Total ad impressions |
clicks | int4 | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric(12, 2) | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric(12, 2) | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric(12, 2) | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | int4 | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | int4 | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | int4 | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
searchtermimpressionrank | int4 | The numeric rank of your account-wide impression |
searchtermimpressionshare | numeric(12, 2) | Account-wide share (in %) of the total impressions across all advertisers |
impressionswithshare | int8 | Improssion with share |
totalimpressions | int8 | Total Impression |
Sponsored Brand Ads
Table Name: ad_sponsoredbrand_ad
Every adId can have mulitple asin's, This table should be joined with ad_sponsoredbrand_ad_asin based on profileId and adId.
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
adid | Integer | Advertised product identifier |
adgroupid | Integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
campaignid | Integer | The identifier of the campaign |
state | String | The current resource state. |
creationdate | Timestamp | Creation date in epoch time. |
lastupdateddate | Timestamp | ASIN last updated date |
servingstatus | String | The ad serving status determined by system. |
brandname | String | The Brand to which product belongs |
headline | String | The headline text |
type | String | The creative type of SB ad. Possible Values: PRODUCT_COLLECTION, STORE_SPOTLIGHT, VIDEO, BRAND_VIDEO |
landingpagepagetype | String | The type of landing page, such as store page, product list (simple landing page), custom url. |
landingpageurl | String | URL of an existing simple landing page or Store page. Vendors may also specify the URL of a custom landing page. If a custom URL is specified, the landing page must include the ASINs of at least three products that are advertised as part of the campaign. Do not include this property in the request if the asins property is also included, these properties are mutually exclusive. Note that brandVideo ads only support Store page as landing page and does not allow asins property. |
name | String | The name of the ad. Note: Ads created using version 3/non-multi ad group campaigns do not have an associated name |
systemlastupdateddate | Timestamp | System last updated date |
Sponsored Brand Ad Asin
Table Name: ad_sponsoredbrand_ad_asin
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
adid | Integer | Advertised product identifier |
asin | String | The ASIN that is being advertised. |
creationdate | Timestamp | Creation date in epoch time. |
Sponsored Brand Ad Report
Table Name: ad_sponsoredbrand_ad_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | Date | Report date |
adid | Integer | The identifier of the advertised product |
adgroupid | Integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
campaignid | Integer | Campaign id |
impressions | Integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | Integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | Numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | Numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | Numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributeddetailpageviewsclicks14d | Integer | The number of attributed detail page view conversions occurring within 14 days of ad click. |
attributedordersnewtobrand14d | Integer | The number of first-time orders for brand products over a one-year lookback window. Not available for book vendors. |
attributedordersnewtobrandpercentage14d | Numeric | The percentage of total orders that are new-to-brand orders. Not available for book vendors. |
attributedorderratenewtobrand14d | Numeric | The number of new-to-brand orders relative to the number of clicks. New-to-brand order rate = new-to-brand orders / clicks. Not available for book vendors. |
attributedsalesnewtobrand14d | Numeric | Total value of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors. |
attributedsalesnewtobrandpercentage14d | Numeric | Percentage of total sales made up of new-to-brand purchases. Not available for book vendors. |
attributedunitsorderednewtobrand14d | Integer | Total number of attributed units ordered as part of new-to-brand sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click. Not available for book vendors. |
attributedunitsorderednewtobrandpercentage14d | Numeric | Percentage of total attributed units ordered within 14 days of an ad click that are part of a new-to-brand purchase. Not available for book vendors. |
viewableimpressions | Integer | Number of impressions that met the Media Ratings Council (MRC) viewability standard (50 percent of the ad viewable with two seconds playback completed). Sponsored Brands video-only metric. |
videofirstquartileviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 25%. |
videomidpointviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 50%. |
videothirdquartileviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 75%. |
videocompleteviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the video was viewed to 100% |
video5secondviews | Integer | The number of impressions where the customer watched the complete video or 5 seconds (whichever is shorter). Sponsored Brands video-only metric. |
video5secondviewrate | Numeric | The percentage of impressions where the customer watched the complete video or 5 seconds of the video (whichever is shorter). Sponsored Brands video-only metric. |
videounmutes | Integer | The number of impressions where a customer unmuted the video. |
vtr | Numeric | View-through rate (vtr). Views divided by impressions. |
vctr | Numeric | Click-through rate for views (clicks divided by views). |
unitssold14d | Integer | Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of click on an ad. |
dpv14d | Integer | Number of attributed detail page views occurring within 14 days of click on an ad. Vendor-only field. |
attributedbrandedsearches14d | Integer | The number of searches that included the name of your brand occurring within 14 days of an ad click. |
Ad Store
Brand Store analytic metrics provide brands with analytics about the Brand Store performance and customer behavior. These metrics offer a deeper understanding of how shoppers interact with the Brand Store, helping brands optimize their strategies to drive engagement and sales.
Table name: amazon_source_data.ad_store
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
account_name | Varchar | Intentwise Account Name |
region | Varchar | Region of the account |
brandentityid | Varchar | ID used in campaign creation and asset registration |
storename | Varchar | The name of the store |
storepageid | Varchar | The ID of the store |
storepageurl | Varchar | The store url page. Can be used for SB campaigns as a possible landing page |
store_page_name | Varchar | The page name. Defaults to Home for the main store page |
Ad Store Insights Report
Table name: amazon_source_data.ad_store_insights_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
account_name | Varchar | Intentwise Account Name |
region | String | Region of the account |
reportdate | Date | Date of the report |
brandentityid | Varchar | ID used in campaign creation and asset registration |
dimensiontype | Varchar | Dimensional grain at which the report is generated Types - PAGE / SOURCE / TAG / STORE / DATE |
dimensionvalue | Varchar | Dimensional value. If dimension_type is PAGE, dimension_value will be page_id |
views | Integer | Number of page views. |
orders | Integer | Estimated total orders placed by Store visitors within 14 days of their visit. Orders contain one or more units sold. |
units | Integer | Estimated units purchased by Store visitors within 14 days of their last visit |
sales | Numeric | Estimated total sales generated by Store visitors within 14 days of their last visit |
visits | Integer | Total visits to a page within a single day. Each visitor can visit more than one page, and they can visit your Store from more than one traffic source |
visitors | Integer | Total visitors to your Store within the selected date range, calculated based on daily unique users or devices |
scorelevel | Varchar | Store Quality rating calculated on various factors defining the quality of a store. It can be HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW |
dwell | Numeric | Average time a customer spends on the store, specifically for store quality measurement |
peerdwell | Numeric | Average time a customer spends on other similar (peer) stores on average |
dwelltime | Numeric | Average time a customer spends on the store, providing insights into user engagement by calculating the average duration of visits |
bouncerate | Numeric | Ratio of total bounce visits (customer who landed on the store and left quickly without engaging) to total landing visits, providing insights into visitor engagement |
newtostore | Integer | Total count of unique visitors who are new to the store, providing valuable insights into the number of first-time shoppers |
systemlastupdateddate | Timestamp | Time on which the results were captured |
Last updated