Sponsored Products
Table name - ad_sponsoredproducts_campaign
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
campaignid | Integer | The identifier of the campaign |
name | String | The name of the campaign |
portfolioid | Integer | The identifier of an existing portfolio to which the campaign is associated. |
targetingtype | String | The type of targeting of the campaign. manual or auto |
state | String | The current campaign state |
dailybudget | Numeric | Daily budget set for the campaign |
startdate | date | The starting date of the campaign. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD. |
enddate | date | The ending date of the campaign to stop running. The format of the date is YYYY-MM-DD. |
creationdate | Date time | The creation date of the campaign. The format of the date time is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. |
lastupdateddate | Date time | The date that any value associated with the campaign was last changed. The format of the date time is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
servingstatus | String | Serving status of the campaign
biddingstrategy | String | Bidding strategy
biddingplacamenttopofsearchpercentage | Numeric | The bid adjustment percentage value for Top of search |
biddingplacamentproductpagepercentage | Numeric | The bid adjustment percentage value for product details page. |
Campaign Report
Table name - ad_sponsoredproducts_campaign_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | date | Report date |
campaignid | integer | Campaign id |
campaignname | string | Campaign name |
campaignstatus | string | Campaign status |
campaignbudget | numeric | Campaign budget |
impressions | integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC. |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
topofsearchimpressionshare | integer | Percentage Share of top of search impressions |
Campaign Negative Keywords
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_campaignnegativekeyword
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
keywordid | integer | The identifier of the campaign negative keyword |
campaignid | integer | The identifer of the campaign to which the campaign negative keyword is associated |
state | string | The campaign negative keyword state |
keywordtext | string | The text of the expression to match against a search query |
matchtype | string | The type of match. ex: negativeExact, negativePhrase |
creationdate | timestamptz(0) | target created date |
lastupdateddate | timestamptz(0) | target last updated date |
servingstatus | string | The serving status of the campaign negative keyword. TARGETING_CLAUSE_STATUS_LIVE, PENDING_START_DATE |
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_adgroup
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
adgroupid | integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
name | string | The name of the adgroup |
campaignid | integer | The identifier of the campaign. |
defaultbid | numeric | Default bid set for the adgroup |
state | string | The current state of the adgroup |
creationdate | timestamptz(0) | The creation date of the adgroup. The format of the date time is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. |
lastupdateddate | timestamptz(0) | The date that any value associated with the adgroup was last changed. The format of the date time is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss |
servingstatus | string | Serving status of the adgroup.
AdGroup Report
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_adgroup_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | date | Report date |
adgroupid | integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
adgroupname | string | The name of the adgroup |
campaignid | integer | The identifier of the campaign |
campaignname | string | The name of the campaign. |
impressions | integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
Advertised Products
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_productad
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
adid | integer | The identifier of the advertised product |
adgroupid | integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
campaignid | integer | The identifier of the campaign |
asin | string | The ASIN that is being advertised. |
sku | string | The SKU that is being advertised. Not available for vendors. |
state | string | ASIN state |
creationdate | timestamptz(0) | ASIN created date |
lastupdateddate | timestamptz(0) | ASIN last updated date |
servingstatus | string | Serving status of the Advertised Product
Advertised Product Report
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_productad_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
report_date | date | Report date |
adid | integer | The identifier of the advertised product |
adgroupid | integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
impressions | integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_keyword
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | The identifier of the amazon advertising account |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
keywordid | integer | The identifier of the advertised keyword text |
adgroupid | integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
campaignid | integer | The identifier of the campaign |
state | string | The current status of the keyword text |
keywordtext | string | The text of the expression to match against a search query |
matchtype | string | The type of match. ex: exact, phrase and broad |
bid | numeric | User-set bid value for keyword |
creationdate | Date time | Keyword created date |
lastupdateddate | Date time | Keyword last updated date |
servingstatus | string | The serving status of the keyword.
Keyword Report
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_keyword_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
region | char | |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
report_id | string | Report id |
report_date | date | Report date |
keywordid | integer | Keyword id |
adgroupid | integer | Adgroup id |
impressions | integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
topofsearchimpressionshare | Numeric | The percentage of top-of-search impressions earned out of all the top-of-search impressions that were eligible for a given date range. Various factors determine the eligibility for an impression including campaign status and targeting status |
Negative Keyword
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_negativekeyword
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
keywordid | integer | Keyword id |
campaignid | integer | Campaign id |
adgroupid | integer | Adgroup id |
state | string | Negative keyword status |
keywordtext | string | The text of the expression to match against a search query |
matchtype | string | The type of match. ex: negativeExact, negativePhrase |
creationdate | timestamptz(0) | Negative keyword created date |
lastupdateddate | timestamptz(0) | Negative keyword last updated date |
Product and Auto Target
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_target
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | string | Intentwise account name |
targetid | integer | Target id |
adgroupid | integer | Adgroup id |
campaignid | integer | Campaign id |
expressiontype | string | |
state | string | Product target state |
bid | numeric | |
creationdate | timestamptz(0) | Product target created date |
lastupdateddate | timestamptz(0) | Product target last updated date |
autoexpressionvalue | string | |
asinpricelessthan | numeric | Target a price that is less than the price expressed |
asinpricegreaterthan | numeric | Target a price that is greater than the price expressed |
asinreviewratinglessthan | numeric | Target a review rating less than the review rating that is expressed |
asinreviewratinggreaterthan | numeric | Target a review rating that is greater than the review rating expressed |
asincategorysameas | string | Negatively Target the same category as the category expressed |
asinbrandsameas | string | Target the brand that is the same as the brand expressed |
asinpricebetween | string | Target a price that is between the prices expressed |
asinreviewratingbetween | string | Target a review rating that is between the review ratings expressed |
asinsameas | string | Target an ASIN that is the same as the ASIN expressed |
asinisprimeshippingeligible | string | Target products that are Prime Shipping Eligible. This refinement can be applied at a category or brand level only |
asinagerangesameas | string | Target an age range that is in the expressed range. This refinement can be applied for toys and games categories only |
asingenresameas | string | Target products related to the expressed genre. This refinement can be applied for Books and eBooks categories only |
Product and Auto Target Report
Table name: ad_sponsoredproducts_target_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Snteger | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | Date | Report date |
targetid | Integer | Target id |
impressions | Integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | Integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | Numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | Numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | Numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | Integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
viewimpressions | Integer | Total number of ad viewable impressions |
viewattributedconversions14d | Integer | Total number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of ad click or view |
viewattributedsales14d | Numeric | Total number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of ad click or view |
viewattributedunitsordered14d | Integer | Total number of attributed units ordered occurring within 14 days of ad click or view |
Sponsored Products Auto Search Terms Report
Table Name: ad_sponsoredproducts_autosearchterm_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
targetid | Integer | Target id |
targetexpression | String | Target Expression |
campaignid | Integer | The identifier of the campaign |
adgroupid | Integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
reportdate | Date | Report date |
query | String | Query |
impressions | Integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | Integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | Numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | Numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | Numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | Integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
Sponsored Product Keyword Search Term Report
Table Name: ad_sponsoredproducts_keywordsearchterm_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
keywordid | Integer | The identifier of the advertised keyword text |
keywordtext | String | The text of the expression to match against a search query |
matchtype | String | The type of match. ex: exact, phrase and broad |
campaignid | Integer | The identifier of the campaign |
adgroupid | Integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
reportdate | Date | Report date |
query | String | Query |
impressions | Integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | Integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | Numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | Numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | Numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | Integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
Sponsored Product - Product Target Search Term Report
Table Name: ad_sponsoredproducts_producttargetsearchterm_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
targetid | Integer | Target id |
targetexpression | String | Target Expression |
campaignid | Integer | The identifier of the campaign |
adgroupid | Integer | The identifier of the adgroup |
reportdate | Date | Report date |
query | String | Query |
impressions | Integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | Integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | Numeric | Total cost of all clicks. Can be divided by clicks to obtain average CPC |
attributedsales14dsamesku | Numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | Numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | Integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
Sponsored Products Campaign Placement Report
Table Name: ad_sponsoredproducts_campaignplacement_report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
profile_id | Integer | Amazon advertising account id |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise account id |
account_name | String | Intentwise account name |
reportdate | Date | Report date |
campaignid | Integer | The identifier of the campaign |
impressions | Integer | Total ad impressions |
clicks | Integer | Total ad clicks |
cost | Numeric | Advertising spend |
attributedconversions14dsamesku | Integer | conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedconversions14d | Integer | Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedsales14dsamesku | Numeric | Aggregate value of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad where the purchased SKU was the same as the one advertised |
attributedsales14d | Numeric | Number of attributed sales occurring within 14 days of click on ad |
attributedunitsordered14d | Integer | Number of attributed units ordered within 14 days of click on ad |
bidplus | Boolean | true or false based on whether premium bid adjustments are enabled for a Sponsored |
placement | String | The page location where an ad appeared. |
attributedkindleeditionnormalizedpagesread14d | Integer | Number of attributed Kindle edition normalized pages read within 14 days of ad click. |
attributedkindleeditionnormalizedpagesroyalties14d | Numeric | The estimated royalties of attributed estimated Kindle edition normalized pages within 14 days |
Last updated