Performance Reports
Performance reports
Flat File Feedback Report
Table name: sellercentral_flatfilefeedback_report
Seller Central Console Report: Feedback Report (Help)
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_id | Integer | |
account_name | String | |
seller_id | Integer | |
rating | Integer | |
date | Date | |
comments | String | |
response | String | |
order_id | String | |
rater_email | String |
Seller Performance Report
Table name (Primary): sellercentral_sellerperformance_report
Seller Central Console Report: Account Health (Help)
Column Name | Data type | Description (Refer help link above) |
account_name | String | |
account_id | Integer | |
country_code | String | |
id | Integer | |
reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
status | String | |
target_value | Numeric | |
target_condition | String | |
defects_count | Integer | |
report_date | Date |
Table name (Secondary): sellercentral_sellerperformance_shippingperformance_report
Foreign Key: seller_performance_report_id , references sellercentral_sellerperformance_report(id)
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | |
account_id | Integer | |
country_code | String | |
currency_code | String | |
seller_performance_report_id | Integer | |
late_shipment_rate_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
late_shipment_rate_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
late_shipment_rate_status | String | |
late_shipment_rate_target_value | Numeric | |
late_shipment_rate_target_condition | String | |
late_shipment_rate_order_count | Integer | |
late_shipment_rate_late_shipment_count | Integer | |
late_shipment_rate_rate | Numeric | |
on_time_delivery_rate_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
on_time_delivery_rate_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
on_time_delivery_rate_status | String | |
on_time_delivery_rate_target_value | Numeric | |
on_time_delivery_rate_target_condition | String | |
on_time_delivery_rate_shipment_count_with_valid_tracking | Integer | |
on_time_delivery_rate_on_time_delivery_count | Integer | |
on_time_delivery_rate_rate | Numeric | |
valid_tracking_rate_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
valid_tracking_rate_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
valid_tracking_rate_status | String | |
valid_tracking_rate_target_value | Numeric | |
valid_tracking_rate_target_condition | String | |
valid_tracking_rate_shipment_count | Integer | |
valid_tracking_rate_valid_tracking_count | Integer | |
valid_tracking_rate_rate | Numeric | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_status | String | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_target_value | Numeric | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_target_condition | String | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_order_count | Integer | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_cancellation_count | Integer | |
pre_fulfillment_cancellation_rate_rate | Numeric | |
download_date | Date |
Table name (Secondary): sellercentral_sellerperformance_policycompliance_report
Foreign Key: seller_performance_report_id , references sellercentral_sellerperformance_report(id)
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | |
account_id | Integer | |
country_code | String | |
currency_code | String | |
seller_performance_report_id | Integer | |
account_health_rating_ahr_status | String | |
account_health_rating_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
account_health_rating_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
listing_policy_violations_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
listing_policy_violations_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
listing_policy_violations_status | String | |
listing_policy_violations_target_value | Numeric | |
listing_policy_violations_target_condition | String | |
listing_policy_violations_defects_count | Integer | |
product_authenticity_cust_complaints_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
product_authenticity_cust_complaints_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
product_authenticity_cust_complaints_status | String | |
product_authenticity_cust_complaints_target_value | Numeric | |
product_authenticity_cust_complaints_target_condition | String | |
product_authenticity_cust_complaints_defects_count | Integer | |
product_condition_cust_complaints_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
product_condition_cust_complaints_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
product_condition_cust_complaints_status | String | |
product_condition_cust_complaints_target_value | Numeric | |
product_condition_cust_complaints_target_condition | String | |
product_condition_cust_complaints_defects_count | Integer | |
product_safety_cust_complaints_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
product_safety_cust_complaints_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
product_safety_cust_complaints_status | String | |
product_safety_cust_complaints_target_value | Numeric | |
product_safety_cust_complaints_target_condition | String | |
product_safety_cust_complaints_defects_count | Integer | |
received_intellectual_property_complaints_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
received_intellectual_property_complaints_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
received_intellectual_property_complaints_status | String | |
received_intellectual_property_complaints_target_value | Numeric | |
received_intellectual_property_complaints_target_condition | String | |
received_intellectual_property_complaints_defects_count | Integer | |
restricted_product_policy_violations_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
restricted_product_policy_violations_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
restricted_product_policy_violations_status | String | |
restricted_product_policy_violations_target_value | Numeric | |
restricted_product_policy_violations_target_condition | String | |
restricted_product_policy_violations_defects_count | Integer | |
suspected_intellectual_property_violations_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
suspected_intellectual_property_violations_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
suspected_intellectual_property_violations_status | String | |
suspected_intellectual_property_violations_target_value | Numeric | |
suspected_intellectual_property_violations_target_condition | String | |
suspected_intellectual_property_violations_defects_count | Integer | |
food_and_product_safety_issues_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
food_and_product_safety_issues_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
food_and_product_safety_issues_status | String | |
food_and_product_safety_issues_target_value | Numeric | |
food_and_product_safety_issues_target_condition | String | |
food_and_product_safety_issues_defects_count | Integer | |
customer_product_reviews_policy_violations_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
customer_product_reviews_policy_violations_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
customer_product_reviews_policy_violations_status | String | |
customer_product_reviews_policy_violations_target_value | Numeric | |
customer_product_reviews_policy_violations_target_condition | String | |
customer_product_reviews_policy_violations_defects_count | Integer | |
other_policy_violations_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
other_policy_violations_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
other_policy_violations_status | String | |
other_policy_violations_target_value | Numeric | |
other_policy_violations_target_condition | String | |
other_policy_violations_defects_count | Integer | |
download_date | Date |
Table name (Secondary): sellercentral_sellerperformance_customerserviceperformance_report
Foreign Key: seller_performance_report_id , references sellercentral_sellerperformance_report(id)
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | |
account_id | Integer | |
country_code | String | |
currency_code | String | |
seller_performance_report_id | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_afn_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
order_defect_rate_afn_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
order_defect_rate_afn_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_afn_target_value | Numeric | |
order_defect_rate_afn_target_condition | String | |
order_defect_rate_afn_order_with_defects_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_afn_order_with_defects_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_afn_claims_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_afn_claims_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_afn_chargebacks_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_afn_chargebacks_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_afn_negative_feedback_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_afn_negative_feedback_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_afn_order_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_afn_rate | Numeric | |
order_defect_rate_afn_fulfillment_type | String | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_target_value | Numeric | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_target_condition | String | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_order_with_defects_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_order_with_defects_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_claims_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_claims_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_chargebacks_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_chargebacks_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_negative_feedback_status | String | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_negative_feedback_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_order_count | Integer | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_rate | Numeric | |
order_defect_rate_mfn_fulfillment_type | String | |
invoice_defect_rate_reporting_date_from | Timestamp | |
invoice_defect_rate_reporting_date_to | Timestamp | |
invoice_defect_rate_status | String | |
invoice_defect_rate_target_value | Numeric | |
invoice_defect_rate_target_condition | String | |
invoice_defect_rate_invoice_defect_status | String | |
invoice_defect_rate_invoice_defect_count | Integer | |
invoice_defect_rate_missing_invoice_status | String | |
invoice_defect_rate_missing_invoice_count | Integer | |
invoice_defect_rate_late_invoice_status | String | |
invoice_defect_rate_late_invoice_count | Integer | |
invoice_defect_rate_order_count | Integer | |
invoice_defect_rate_rate | Numeric | |
download_date | Date |
Seller Coupon Performance Report
Table name: sellercentral_couponperformance_report
Note: Data for the current year is retrieved daily based on the start and end dates of coupons. Its recommended to use latest report_date information
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
country_code | String | Country Code |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
coupon_performance_report_id | Integer | Unique identifer for the report |
coupon_start_date_from | Timestamp | Coupon Start Date |
coupon_start_date_to | Timestamp | Coupon End Date |
report_date | Date | Report Date |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
Seller Coupon Performance Report Coupon
Table name: sellercentral_couponperformance_coupon
Note: Use this table along with sellercentral_couponperformance_report
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
country_code | String | Country Code |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
coupon_performance_report_id | Integer | Foreign Key use to join with sellercentral_couponperformance_report |
coupon_id | String | Unique identifier of the coupon. |
merchant_id | String | Merchant customer ID associated with the coupon |
market_place_id | String | Marketplace the coupon is running in |
name | String | The name given to the coupon. |
website_message | String | The message displayed with the coupon on the product page. |
start_date_time | Timestamp | Coupon start date-time in UTC |
end_date_time | Timestamp | Coupon end date-time in UTC |
discount_type | String | Whether the discount is given as a fixed amount or a percentage off the list price. |
discount_amount | Numeric | Discount amount the customer receives. Reflects a percentage when discountType is PERCENT_OFF_LIST_PRICE and a currency value when discountType is AMOUNT_OFF_LIST_PRICE |
total_discount | Numeric | Total amount saved by customers redeeming the coupon. Currency value. Represents a gross value, including purchases that were returned or cancelled. |
clips | Integer | Number of times the coupon has been applied on the product page by unique customers |
redemptions | Integer | Number of times the coupon has been used for a purchase. Represents a gross value, including purchases that were returned or cancelled |
budget | Numeric | The budget allocated to the coupon to cover discount offering and clip/redemption fees. Currency value. |
budget_spent | Numeric | Total amount spent by the seller on the coupon, including clip fees and redemption fees. Currency value. Represents a gross value, including purchases that were returned or cancelled |
budget_remaining | Numeric | The budget remaining for the coupon, equal to budget minus budgetSpent. Currency value. Represents a gross value, including purchases that were returned or cancelled |
budget_percentage_used | Numeric | Percentage of the allocated budget that has been spent, equal to the budgetSpent divided by budget |
sales | Numeric | Total revenue generated by redemptions of the coupon after the discount. Currency value. Represents a gross value, including purchases that were returned or cancelled |
download_date | Date | Download date |
coupon_performance_coupon_id | Integer | Unique Identifier |
Seller Coupon Performance Report Asin
Table name: sellercentral_couponperformance_asin
Note: Use this table along with sellercentral_couponperformance_coupon
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Identifier |
country_code | String | Country Code |
coupon_performance_coupon_id | Integer | Foreign Key use to join with sellercentral_couponperformance_report |
asin | String | The asin used in coupon |
download_date | Date | Download Date |
Last updated