Business Reports
Business Reports
Sales And Traffic By Child ASIN Report
Table name: sellercentral_salesandtrafficbychildasin_report
Seller Central Console Report: Sales And Traffic By Child ASIN Report
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Id |
seller_id | String | Amazon Seller Id |
country_code | String | Country code |
currency_code | String | Currency code |
sale_date | date | Sale date |
parent_asin | String | Parent ASIN |
child_asin | String | Child ASIN |
units_ordered | Integer | Number of units ordered |
units_ordered_b2b | Integer | Number of units ordered by business buyers |
ordered_product_sales_amt | Numeric | The amount of ordered product sales |
ordered_product_sales_currency | String | Ordered product sales currency |
ordered_product_sales_b2b_amt | Numeric | Amount of ordered product sales from business buyers |
ordered_product_sales_b2b_currency | String | Ordered product sales currency |
total_order_items | Integer | The total number of order items |
total_order_items_b2b | Integer | The total number of items ordered by business buyers |
traffic_by_asin_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
traffic_by_asin_sessions_prcntg | Numeric | Percentage of sessions that contain at least one page view for a particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total number of sessions for all products |
traffic_by_asin_page_views | Integer | Total number of page views |
traffic_by_asin_page_views_prcntg | Numeric | Percentage of page views that a particular SKU/ASIN receives relative to the total number of page views for all products |
traffic_by_asin_buy_box_prcntg | Numeric | This is the percentage of page views where the Featured Offer (the add to shopping cart link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart |
traffic_by_asin_units_session_prcntg | Numeric | Percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased relative to the number of people who viewed the products |
traffic_by_asin_units_session_prcntg_b2b | Numeric | Percentage conversion metrics (number of units purchased by business buyers relative to number of people who viewed the products) |
traffic_by_asin_browser_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your browser pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your App pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
traffic_by_asin_browser_sessions_prcntg | Numeric | Browser sessions percentage |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_sessions_prcntg | Numeric | App sessions percentage |
traffic_by_asin_browser_page_views | Integer | Hits in your browser |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_page_views | Integer | Hits in your app |
traffic_by_asin_browser_page_views_prcntg | Numeric | Browser views percentage |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_page_views_prcntg | Numeric | App views percentage |
Sales And Traffic By Date Report
Table name: sellercentral_salesandtrafficbydate_report
Seller Central Console Report: Detail Page Sales And Traffic by Date
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Id |
seller_id | String | Intentwise Seller Id |
country_code | String | Country Code |
currency_code | String | Currency Code |
sale_date | date | Sale Date |
ordered_product_sales_amt | Numeric | The amount of ordered product sales |
ordered_product_sales_currency | String | Ordered product sales currency |
ordered_product_sales_b2b_amt | Numeric | The amount of ordered product sales by business buyers |
ordered_product_sales_b2b_currency | String | Business buyers Ordered product sales currency |
units_ordered | Integer | The total number of units ordered |
units_ordered_b2b | Integer | The total number of units ordered by business buyers |
total_order_items | Integer | The amount of ordered items |
total_order_items_b2b | Integer | The amount of ordered items by business buyers |
avg_sales_per_order_item_amt | Numeric | The average sales per order item, determined by dividing the ordered product sales by the total order items |
avg_sales_per_order_item_currency | String | The average sales per order item currency |
avg_sales_per_order_item_b2b_amt | Numeric | The average business buyers sales per order item, determined by dividing the ordered product sales by the total order items |
avg_sales_per_order_item_b2b_currency | String | The business buyers average sales per order item currency |
avg_units_per_order_item | Numeric | The average number of units for each order item |
avg_units_per_order_item_b2b | Numeric | The average number of units for each item ordered by business buyers for the selected time period |
avg_selling_price_amt | Numeric | The average price of units sold, calculated by dividing the total ordered product sales by the total units |
avg_selling_price_currency | String | The average selling price currency |
avg_selling_price_b2b_amt | Numeric | Average price of units sold to business buyers (total ordered product sales from business buyers ÷ total units from business buyers) |
avg_selling_price_b2b_currency | String | The business buyers average selling price currency |
units_refunded | Integer | Number of units refunded |
refund_rate | Numeric | The refund rate, calculated by dividing the number of units refunded by the number of units sold |
claims_granted | Integer | Number of A-to-z claims granted |
claims_amount | Numeric | Monetary amount of filed A-to-z Guarantee Claims |
claims_amount_currency | String | Claims amount currency |
shipped_product_sales_amt | Numeric | The amount of shipped product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of the order items and the number of units sold and confirmed shipped |
shipped_product_sales_currency | String | Shipped product sales currency |
units_shipped | Integer | Number of units shipped |
orders_shipped | Integer | Number of orders shipped |
page_views | Integer | Hits in your presence |
sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
buy_box_percentage | Numeric | This is the percentage of page views where the Featured Offer (the add to shopping cart link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart |
order_item_session_percentage | Numeric | The order item session percentage, calculated by dividing the total order items by the number of distinct session counts |
order_item_session_percentage_b2b | Numeric | Order item session percentage (total order items from business buyers divided by the number of distinct session counts) |
unit_session_percentage | Numeric | Percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased relative to the number of people who viewed the products |
unit_session_percentage_b2b | Numeric | Percentage conversion metrics (number of units purchased by business buyers relative to number of people who viewed the products) |
avg_offer_count | Numeric | The total number of offers listed for sale |
avg_parent_items | Numeric | The average number of parent items listed |
feedback_received | Integer | Total number of customer feedback received |
negative_feedback_received | Integer | Number of negative feedback received |
received_negative_feedback_rate | Numeric | Total negative feedback received divided by total feedback received |
browser_page_views | Integer | Hits in your browser |
mobile_app_page_views | Integer | Hits in your app |
browser_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your browser pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
mobile_app_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your app pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
Sales And Traffic By SKU Report
Table name: sellercentral_salesandtrafficbysku_report
Seller Central Console Report: Detail Page Sales And Traffic
Note: This report is 2 days behind
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description |
account_name | String | Intentwise Account Name |
account_id | Integer | Intentwise Account Id |
seller_id | String | Amazon Seller Id |
country_code | String | Country code |
currency_code | String | Currency code |
sale_date | date | Sale date |
parent_asin | String | Parent ASIN |
child_asin | String | Child ASIN |
sku | String | SKU |
units_ordered | Integer | Number of units ordered |
units_ordered_b2b | Integer | Number of units ordered by business buyers |
ordered_product_sales_amt | Numeric | The amount of ordered product sales |
ordered_product_sales_currency | String | Ordered product sales currency |
ordered_product_sales_b2b_amt | Numeric | Amount of ordered product sales from business buyers |
ordered_product_sales_b2b_currency | String | Ordered product sales currency |
total_order_items | Integer | The total number of order items |
total_order_items_b2b | Integer | The total number of items ordered by business buyers |
traffic_by_asin_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
traffic_by_asin_sessions_prcntg | Numeric | Percentage of sessions that contain at least one page view for a particular SKU/ASIN relative to the total number of sessions for all products |
traffic_by_asin_page_views | Integer | Total number of page views |
traffic_by_asin_page_views_prcntg | Numeric | Percentage of page views that a particular SKU/ASIN receives relative to the total number of page views for all products |
traffic_by_asin_buy_box_prcntg | Numeric | This is the percentage of page views where the Featured Offer (the add to shopping cart link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart |
traffic_by_asin_units_session_prcntg | Numeric | Percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased relative to the number of people who viewed the products |
traffic_by_asin_units_session_prcntg_b2b | Numeri | Percentage conversion metrics (number of units purchased by business buyers relative to number of people who viewed the products) |
traffic_by_asin_browser_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your browser pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_sessions | Integer | Sessions are visits to your App pages by a user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session |
traffic_by_asin_browser_sessions_prcntg | Numeric | Browser sessions percentage |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_sessions_prcntg | Numeric | App sessions percentage |
traffic_by_asin_browser_page_views | Integer | Hits in your browser |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_page_views | Integer | Hits in your app |
traffic_by_asin_browser_page_views_prcntg | Numeric | Browser views percentage |
traffic_by_asin_mobile_app_page_views_prcntg | Numeric | App views percentage |
Last updated