Order Reports
Order Reports
Flat File Orders By Order Date Report
Table name: sellercentral_ordersbydate_report
Seller Central Console Report: All Order Reports (Help)
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description (Refer help link above) |
account_id | Integer | |
account_name | String | |
seller_id | String | |
amazon_order_id | String | |
merchant_order_id | String | |
purchase_date | Date Time | |
last_updated_date | Date Time | |
order_status | String | |
fulfillment_channel | String | |
sales_channel | String | |
order_channel | String | |
url | String | |
ship_service_level | String | |
product_name | String | |
sku | String | |
asin | String | |
item_status | String | |
quantity | Integer | |
currency | String | |
item_price | Numeric | |
item_tax | Numeric | |
shipping_price | Numeric | |
shipping_tax | Numeric | |
gift_wrap_price | Numeric | |
gift_wrap_tax | Numeric | |
item_promotion_discount | Numeric | |
ship_promotion_discount | Numeric | |
ship_city | String | |
ship_state | String | |
ship_postal_code | String | |
ship_country | String | |
promotion_ids | String | |
purchase_order_number | String | |
price_designation | String | |
report | Integer | |
is_business_order | Boolean | |
buyer_company_name | String | |
is_replacement_order | Boolean | |
is_exchange_order | Boolean | |
original_order_id | String |
Flat File Orders By Last Update Report
Table name: sellercentral_ordersbylastupdate_report
Seller Central Console Report: Updated Orders (Help)
For details on data availability and refresh schedule, please click here.
Column Name | Data type | Description (Refer help link above) |
account_id | Integer | |
account_name | String | |
currency_code | String | |
amazon_order_id | String | |
merchant_order_id | String | |
purchase_date | Timestamp | |
last_updated_date | Timestamp | |
order_status | String | |
fulfillment_channel | String | |
sales_channel | String | |
order_channel | String | |
ship_service_level | String | |
product_name | String | |
sku | String | |
asin | String | |
number_of_items | Integer | |
item_status | String | |
quantity | Integer | |
currency | String | |
item_price | Numeric | |
item_tax | Numeric | |
shipping_price | Numeric | |
shipping_tax | Numeric | |
gift_wrap_price | Numeric | |
gift_wrap_tax | Numeric | |
item_promotion_discount | Numeric | |
ship_promotion_discount | Numeric | |
ship_city | String | |
ship_state | String | |
ship_postal_code | String | |
ship_country | String | |
promotion_ids | String | |
is_business_order | Boolean | |
purchase_order_number | String | |
price_designation | String | |
buyer_company_name | String | |
license_state | String | |
license_expiration_date | Timestamp | |
download_date | Date |
Last updated